Siks & Co.
Patent firm specializing in chemistry and bio-related fields
| since 1989 |
At SIKs, patent attorneys specializing in chemistry- and biotechnology-related fields personally handle patent applications in their respective fields of expertise
Dedicated patent attorneysHighly trained professionals
Patent attorneys with sophisticated technical knowledge personally handle applications in their fields of expertise
Abundant experience in both domestic and foreign applicationsDealings in over 90 countries across the globe
Number of applications filed in 2024
China 191cases; United States 167cases;
Taiwan 145cases; Korea 122cases;
Europe 120cases; Others 50cases
Satellite officesSwift action
for your business needs
Out teleconference system enables us to swiftly respond to your business needs
Apr 14, 2020 - Announce on spread of COVID-19
Mar 23, 2020 - Announce on spread of COVID-19
Technical fields
The fields that we handle are diversified, including organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, optics, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, molecular biology, food products, cosmetics, chemical engineering, analytical chemistry, and electrochemistry, and we are also actively involved in new technologies of boundary areas resulting from the fusion of chemistry/bio-related technologies and technologies of other fields for which development is advancing in recent years.